Forum Discussion

joshbenjamin's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Jenkins-Jira/Zephyr Scale Integration - API Key Instructions Out of Date?

I'm trying to get my Cucumber test results to show up in Zephyr Scale. Currently, I'm using the 'Master Thought' (the editor won't let me leave 'master' and 'thought' as one word, which is  how the p...
  • MisterB's avatar
    2 years ago

    Firstly, thank you for the detailed post.


    I checked my Jira profile and I do see the option so I'm guessing this has something to do with a permissions or configuration setting, but one that I can't seem to find.


    Someone in this community might know how to fix this issue, but I would hedge your bets and contact Smartbear support for advice (SmartBear Support) and in the meantime you could try the link below, which is what I get when I click on the 'Zephyr Scale API Access Tokens' link, replacing the "[YOUR REF]" values with your own which you can find in the URL bar when you're in a Zephyr Scale page.


    https://[YOUR REF][YOUR REF]&[YOUR REF]


    Please do share the answer to the issue if you find it 🙂