Forum Discussion

learnerrrrrr's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago

Is there any way to upload images by csv file.

I was uploading the csv file which contain test cases with images and some fields with respective data on zephyr. But after the file get uploaded, images in that file does not get uploaded properly. It shows only IMAGE written in the section, but no image is there. So, to solve this again we have to upload images in that section one by one.

So, my question is that is there any way by which we can upload that csv file with all images properly in one go.


  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I've not tried to do this yet, but the CSV file format isn't able to handle images, so that won't work as far as I know.  Some potential workarounds:

    • You could import a file path or URL to the image - and hopefully that should be recognised in scale (I don't see why not) and direct you to that file
    • You could try encoding the image data into a Base64 string and include that string in a field in the CSV (not sure if scale would recognise it as an image though)
    • You could try the APIs and create/update test cases with images in that way: Zephyr Scale for Jira Cloud API

    Please let us know if you manage to get this working.

    • learnerrrrrr's avatar
      New Contributor

      Tried the first 2 points but not able to make it work, will be trying the 3rd point and Sure will let all know if it works.