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SuneelBabu9's avatar
2 months ago

How to pull Test cases Into Jira Dashboard

Hello Community,

Recently, I've been using the Zephyr scale for Jira for Test case management, So I want to show case the Test cases & Tracking of the test cases into Jira Dashboards, to our clients, Can any one help in this scenario will be much appreciated.

Suneel Babu

5 Replies

  • There are a few options:

    1. Customise your Test Cycle page with the columns you want to view, and the structure you want your clients to see.  Use the Group By button to group your cycles by Test Plan or another view from the options available.  This page in itself is a good tool for an overview to track progress
    2. Create reports that show how you actively manage the progress of testing.  Your reports might show all tests outstanding.  Tests that are blocked or failed and are missing a Jira Issue, etc.
    3. Create dashboards for different views.  I tend to use mostly the Donut chart and the Custom Filter feature.  My charts show Pass/Fail rates - execution result IN(pass, fail), Outstanding tests - execution result IN(blocked, not executed, in progress), and that sort of thing.
    • ASharmaa's avatar
      New Contributor

      is the information in test gadgets in Scale dashboard clickable? like it was possible to click and navigate to test executions/bugs in Zephyr Squad dashboards? 

      • MisterB's avatar
        Icon for Champion Level 3 rankChampion Level 3

        Only some of the gadgets have drill-down functions.  You would have to experiment with each gadget.  There are also Jira gadgets you can use but those would be focussed on Issues, not Tests

    • ASharmaa's avatar
      New Contributor

      Could you pls elaborate on point 3? information how can I create charts that show test execution status(Pass, fail, WIP, Blocked, unexecuted)

      • MisterB's avatar
        Icon for Champion Level 3 rankChampion Level 3

        These two charts are very useful for graphical illustration.  The first can show overall execution progress for a test plan or test cycle(s) - you probably only want to use this once or twice in a dashboard.  The second is excellent for the same but with details about statuses so you would have lots of those:

        To produce something like this which shows from left-to-right: overall execution status on a test plan, then overall outstanding tests, and finally the pass/fail rate...

        ... your configuration would look something like this:

        1. Add your Project
        2. Choose Custom Query
        3. If you're reporting by Test Plan use this option, or you can use another method like Test Cycles, or in the Test Case section you could report by Folder - it depends how you have modelled your tests
        4. Add your Status criteria - note that the middle gadget is looking for statuses that DO NOT appear in the results
        5. Choose the percentage option if you want that display type or leave as Count to show total numbers - or report both side-by side.