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4 years ago

September 2021 | TestComplete Community News

Hello Community! We’ve prepared this monthly news digest to keep you updated on what’s happening in the Community. In today’s issue, we’ll talk about new SmartBear Academy certificates design, top community contributors, SmartBear Connect 2021, and more.



September is the last month of Q3, which means we will announce the Quarterly Leaders next month. The good news is, you still have plenty of time to qualify as a Q3 Community Leader by contributing to the TestComplete forums, earning Kudos and posting Solutions.


This article will help you learn more about the Community Leaders program and the benefits it brings: 3 Simple Steps to Become a TestComplete Community Leader.


Let’s see who’s been the most active in the TestComplete Community in August: Marsha_RAlexKarasmattbLee_Mhkim5MLoetschercoffeesonia1       


Thank you for your valuable contribution!



This month, we’d like to introduce the TestComplete marketing team. Jennifer Lowenthal, Associate Director of Product Marketing, shared with us insights about the day-to-day job of TestComplete marketers, spoke about industry trends, and the top TestComplete features. 




To find more Inside TestComplete interviews, look under the TestCompleteTeam label.



More great news – we've redesigned SmartBear Academy certificates. They look super crisp and became more informative, too, with a newly added field – Certificate ID.


Want to be a certified expert? We have plenty of great free learning courses for TestComplete in the SmartBear Academy, and the majority of them have a knowledge assessment at the end. Pass the quiz successfully to earn your certificate and an Academy Certified community badge.


Please join me in congratulating the following community members who successfully finished the TestComplete courses: cbeck , Sandhiyats , RPapoff , sedens , rsf94587 , mikef , Bouyers , shreyas , saspura , Mike359 , Anj_666 



A new TestComplete release brought a great deal of enhancements. Take a look at what’s been improved in TestComplete 14.92:


- Mobile testing improvements

- TestComplete can now map objects in mobile applications running in device clouds.

- We have added new commands to the Mobile Screen window to allow managing tested mobile applications and mobile devices in a better way.

- You can check how your tested mobile application looks and functions depending on the mobile device screen current orientation.

- To dialogs, where you select a mobile device to connect to, we have added a new Status column so that you can easily understand which devices are available and which are not.

- Azure DevOps integration improvements

- SAP testing improvements

- SAP Web support. You can now create, record, and run automated tests for SAP Web applications.

- SAP GUI support enhancements. TestComplete provides extra methods and properties for the GridView controls and for the popup menus in SAP GUI.

- And more.


Read about more improvements here: What's New in TestComplete 14.92.  

If you have a maintenance subscription, go here to update to TestComplete 14.92

If you’re interested in TestComplete but don’t have it, request a free 30-day trial



We are happy to announce that SmartBear Connect returns this year. This virtual conference will take place September 21 - 23, 2021.


Join us and your industry peers for 1, 2, or 3 days of real conversation and learning on how to best integrate continuous quality at all stages of your SDLC. 


Get Your Free Ticket Now>>



Join us in these great discussions happening in the TestComplete Community in August:


That’s all for today. Have a question or comment? Please feel free to let us know!

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