9 days agoNew Contributor
Classes specified in oneOf are not being generated in the HTML file.
I have integrated Swagger UI into my RESTEasy project, but I am unable to generate the HTML document properly in the case of @Schema(oneOf). In the HTML, it is displaying <any> in the responses for the 200 status.
I am using swagger-jaxrs2 version 2.0.6, tried with 2.1.12 version also.
@Operation(summary = "REST API Summary", description = "test description", requestBody = @RequestBody(content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = ReqMain.class))),  responses = {@ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "Generated API Key successfully",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json",schema = @Schema(oneOf = {ApiSuccessResp.class, ApiErrorResp.class}))) })