Bugs with Annotations?
My Stack.
Java 17/Jakarta EE10/Wildfly 21/ Swagger-core-jakarta 2.2.19. Using swagger-annotations.
Bug 1. @Schema inside @Arrayschema.
I am using @Arrayschema but i will also need to define the schema for the items and add some validations to it. If i use items= @Schema it gets worse, then the items class is not even generated..
@ArraySchema(maxItems = 4096, minItems = 0, schema = @Schema(implementation = String.class, description = "causes", pattern = "\\P{Cc}\\P{Cn}\\P{Cs}\\P{Cf}", minLength = 1, maxLength = 4096))
private List<String> causes;
The only thing that makes is way to my OPENAPI.json file is that
Items are of String.class.
None of my validatons like min/max lenght, pattern etc is rendered.
This creates a huge problem as my OWASP Top Ten static analyzer renders this a serious issue.
Am i doing this wrong? Are there bugs?Do i need to add something?
Bug 2. AdditionalProperties not set to false.
I can not get the AdditionalProperties flag set. Ever
@Schema(name = "CMSResponseError",
description = "CMSResponseError",
additionalProperties = Schema.AdditionalPropertiesValue.FALSE
public class CMSResponseError implements CmsObject {
This is again a red flag for my OWASP checks, as this poses a security threat.
Am i doing this wrong? Are there bugs?Do i need to add something?