Forum Discussion

flrasmith's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Appreciate direction on best way to leverage the basePath feature of swagger-ui

New to Swagger,


I am needing to specify an alternative path to be used in the try it exec section of swagger api documentation.


i.e. Need "/api" to be introduce only in the try it exec section


  • Curl:


curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/myproject-mw/api/myOneOfMyEndPoint" -H "accept: application json" 


  • Request URL:






But, due to the specific implementation (out of my control) of the front and back end design ...  the normal mapping (via RequestMapping anotation) needs to remian without the "/api" (i.e. "/myOneOfMyEndPoint" without the prepended "/api" ) in order for the front end to be able to work with the back end. 


       @RequestMapping(value = "/myOneOfMyEndPoint", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")

       @ApiOperation(value = "Method to fetch blah, blah and more blah in the system",

    notes = "Method to fetch all blah, blah and more blah in the system that will return - myCustomPageDTO",

    response = myCustomPageDTO.class, 

    responseContainer = "myCustomPageDTO")

       public StatusPageDTO myOneOfMyEndPoint() {


        .... my code ....




So, currently ... 


I have the swagger-ui.html (dynamic redering) working with annotation. Using the following...





  • I think and hope that one solution could be with using / leveraging  basePath, but not sure what would be the best way to do so.


Any direction / suggestion would be appriciated.


NOTE: THE FOLLOWING WAS THE MINIMUM THAT I NEEDED TO INTRODUCE SWAGGER-UI TO THE EXSISTING PROJECT (swagger-ui works as expected but need the custom URL in try it area):


1) Added the two lines ("<springfox- ... >") to pom.xml :










2) Added the two <dependency> for "<!--SpringfoxSwaggerdependency -->" and four <dependency> for "<!-- Jaxbdependency -->" to pom.xml :






<!--SpringfoxSwaggerdependency -->
<!-- Jaxbdependency -->



3) Added the import and @ApiOperation() to :


import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;




@ApiOperation(value = "Method to test the connactivity to the Backend",
    notes = "Testing the backend response that will return - Status page backend.",
    response = String.class, 
    responseContainer = "String")



4) Added the two <mvc:resources ...> to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-servlet.xml :


<mvc:resources mapping="swagger-ui.html" location="classpath:/META-INF/resources/" /> 
<mvc:resources mapping="/webjars/**" location="classpath:/META-INF/resources/webjars/" />



5) Added the one line "<!-- Swagger2 Configuration -->" to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-servlet.xml :


<!-- Swagger2 Configuration -->





<bean id="swagger2Config" class="springfox.documentation.swagger2.configuration.Swagger2DocumentationConfiguration" />










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