Forum Discussion

superh2m's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Additional properties not allowed: oneOf

Hi everyone !

It's been few days that I'm trying to create a "clean" configuration with swagger, but swagger-cli doesn't validate some of it.


To explain the context, first of all I use swagger-cli with swagger-ui, and I bundle the following output used by swagger-ui with swagger-cli :

"choices": {
"type": "array",
"description": "The choices",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
{ "$ref": "../../../choice/choice.boolean.output.json" },
{ "$ref": "../../../choice/choice.integer.output.json" },
{ "$ref": "../../../choice/choice.text.output.json" }


And everytime I'm trying to validate the schema with the following command :

swagger-cli validate api-description.yaml

I have the same error : 

Additional properties not allowed: oneOf at #/properties/.../items/properties/choices 


I try lot of combinations with docs :


And I notice something weird about that, that I'm able to bundle it with the same package swagger-cli and display part of it in the swagger-ui "Example value" section :

But in the model view I have an empty model  : 


Do you know why ?

I really need help :(