Forum Discussion

ngolubchuk's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Interactive API Docs 'Try it out!' does not set "Accept" header

I describe API model on and trying to send POST request with parameters in body using 'Try it out!' operation. It returns response with status '406 Not Acceptable'.

However when I copy Curl that suggests swaggerhub and paste it to command line it works fine.

There is no header "Accept: application/json" in request that comes to web app when I use 'Try it out' operation.
In the description of my POST operation there is field

        - application/json

I tried to add header using parameters:

        - name: "Accept"
          in: header
          type: string
          default: "application/json"

But result doesn't  changed at all.

When I change header in parameters, I can set changes in represented curl, but result is the same.


Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your assistance. 

  • Thanks again for you patience... the issue should be resolved in production, please feel free to reach out with any other queries.



  • Thanks again for you patience... the issue should be resolved in production, please feel free to reach out with any other queries.



    • ngolubchuk's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      It works now. Thanks for the quick response.



  • Thanks for taking the time write out your issue.

    I'll take a quick look, and report back here...



    • ponelat's avatar

      I have found an issue, which is probably causing your missing  `Accept: application/json`.


      Your spec, looks fine. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll report as soon as we move the needed changes into production.


  • josebrwn's avatar
    New Contributor

    I am having a similar issue. My curl always looks like this:


    curl -X GET --header 'Accept: text/html' 

    when what I need is this:


    curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 


    Isn't there a simple way to do this? I tried the solution above, to no avail, adding both:


      - 'application/json'


    and under parameters:


          - name: "Accept"
            in: header
            type: string
            default: "application/json"
            description: application/json is currently supported

    Any help appreciated!


    • RonRatovsky's avatar

      We have a known bug with the curl command generation and working on a fix for it. The try it out functionality should work as expected though.