Forum Discussion

ravik51378's avatar
New Contributor
11 months ago

enum query parameter with "explode: false" not working

I have a query parameter whose data type is enum as below. When I send the parameter with one value as "?status=ACTIVE" it is working fine. But when I send with two values as "?status=ACTIVE,FAIL" it throws 404-NotFound. Since it has "explode: false", we should be able to send multiple values separated by comma. Can you please help with this issue?

The expected behavior is, when I send "?status=ACTIVE,FAIL", then I should receive it as ArrayList of 2 elements: ["ACTIVE", "FAIL"]. But I am receiving the whole comma separated string as one element as ["ACTIVE,FAIL"]

        in: query
        style: form
        explode: false
            type: array
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/status'
      type: string
        - ACTIVE
        - FAIL
        - COMPLETE
        - INPROGRESS
        - IGNORE

  • Humashankar's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi ravik51378

    Looks like the "explode: false" parameter is not having the desired effect, and the entire comma-separated string is still being treated as a single element in the ArrayList.

    Can you please provide more details about the query and the exact behavior you're seeing? Additionally, what version you are using?

    • ravik51378's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Humashankar 

      I am using Swagger openapi: 3.0.0 version and specified "jaxrs-jersey" as language for code generation as below in swagger-codegen-maven-plugin entry:



      Actually, now I am trying with String (instead of enum) to make it simple. So I changed parameter definition as below:

              in: query
              style: form
              explode: false
                  type: array
                      type: string

      So, in the generated code I see the query parameter as below:

      @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "") @QueryParam("status") List<String> status

      With this when I send the query param like "?status=abc,xyz,test", I am receiving it as:

      satus = ["abc,xyz,test"]

      But I am expecting it as:

      satus = ["abc","xyz","test"]

      • Humashankar's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Thanks for the inputs ravik51378 

        Looks Swagger code generator treats as a single string value instead of an array of individual strings

        Can you try doing this by adding a custom validation method to the query parameter, like below,

        @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "")
        List<String> status;

        public void validateStatus(List<String> status) {
        String[] statusArray = status.get(0).split(",");
        this.status = Arrays.asList(statusArray);

        Out of it, this will split the incoming string into an array of individual strings using the "," delimiter, and then set the "status" field to a list of those strings.


  • Humashankar's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi ravik51378 

    Could you please try the following:


    1. Remove the "style: form" attribute from the parameter definition.
    2. Change the "schema" definition to use a plain array type instead of "$ref":



    type: array


    type: string


    - ACTIVE

    - FAIL



    - IGNORE


    This should allow you to send multiple values for the "status" parameter, separated by commas, without exploding the array.


    Please let me know if this resolves the issue

    • ravik51378's avatar
      New Contributor

      Humashankar  - I tried this, but it is not working. When I send It is sending the whole comma separated string as one element of the ArrayList (same as original behavior)