WS Security Configuration: More customization needed in WSS-Entry "Username"
Hi all,
I use SoapUI 5.5.0 Open Source and need more flexibility in a special configuration feature.
actual result
By adding the WSS-entry "Username" to my WS-Security Configuration I´m only able to configurate an attribute value for the Username tag. Example result in my request:
expected result
It is possible to add attributes to the Username. Example result in my request:
[...]<wsse:Username vwsu:Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified" vwsu:NameQualifier="CustomNameQualifier" xmlns:vwsu="">myName</wsse:Username>[...]
Is it possible to get the expected result with SoapUI Open Source or do I need another version?
Thank you in advance for the answer