Window Command line option in jenkins : Call multiple soapUI project files to execute in same batch
Need some suggestion or recommendation on best way to effectively create or organize soapUI test suites written in SOAP UI ( Free Version ) .
Out test team had to create Standalone project as we were using free version . Each individual tester had to worked on each end point as we have no flexibility for multiple people to work on same project so we each one worked on one end point and ended up creating 10 '.xml 'project files
Now we are trying to Integrate SOAPUI tests with Jenkins and from windows command line option i can pass window argument to call testrunner.bat utility and run one project file only(ABC1-soapui-project.xml)
. but i would like to run for all the ten .XML project files located under XYZ folder. Looks like i cannot use something like this : C:\Users\User\XYZ\*.xml. Any suggestions?
Here below is snippet of windows command line option i was able to execute for one project.xml file
"C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.2.1\bin\testrunner.bat" -sGetRBTestSuite -cGetRB -r -a -f"C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.2.1\bin\TestResults" -I C:\Users\User\XYZ\ABC1-soapui-project.xml