WebUI not loading for SOAP MockService deployed as WAR
I'm trying SoapUI for the first time to generate a (SOAP) mock service. Everything works locally when tested through SoapUI.
When I create a WAR with WebUI enabled and deploy to Tomcat 9, the mocking endpoint and ?wsdl endpoints work.
But when I try to load the WebUI, the page is empty.
What works:
[1] http://localhost:8080/soapuimocks/?wsdl
[2] SOAP requests sent to http://localhost:8080/soapuimocks/HelloService
What doesn't work:
http://localhost:8080/soapuimocks/ ==> 200 OK No content
http://localhost:8080/soapuimocks ==> 200 OK with following content
<html><head><title>SoapUI MockServices Log for project [Mocking]</title></head><frameset rows="40%,40%,*"><frame src="master"/><frame name="detail" src="detail"/><frame src="log"/></frameset></html>
See screen shot attached.
Please let me know if I'm doing something obviously wrong / need to provide more information to get to root cause.
Thanks in advance!