Forum Discussion

ericomtx's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

ubuntu environment can not find wsimport


I am starting to use soap UI and got stuck in a problem for a couple of days

I have searched on the web for a solution and could not solve my problem so far

the problem is the following:

In Tools / JAX-WS Artifacts

I provide the WSDL path that I want to connect so I can generate local code :
I fill the info for WSDL / Target Dir / wsdlLocation .... ok  

Once I click in "Generate" I get the following :

Could not find wsimport script at /home/ericomtx/jdk.1.8.0_92/bin

my java environment is ok, JAVA_HOME, path as follows:

 java -version
java version "1.8.0_92"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_92-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.92-b14, mixed mode)


I am using ubuntu 16.04 64 bits and Soap UI 5.3.0(from uncompressed SoapUI-5.3.0-linux-bin.tar.gz) :

ps -ef |  grep soap
ericomtx  8908  5688  0 09:00 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/sh ./
ericomtx  8927  8908 13 09:00 pts/0    00:00:11 java -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -Dsoapui.home=/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin -splash:SoapUI-Spashscreen.png -Dsoapui.ext.libraries=/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin/ext -Dsoapui.ext.listeners=/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin/listeners -Dsoapui.ext.actions=/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin/actions -Djava.library.path=/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin -Dwsi.dir=/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/wsi-test-tools -cp /home/ericomtx/jdk1.8.0_92/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar:/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin/soapui-5.3.0.jar:/home/ericomtx/SoapUI-5.3.0/lib/* com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI

As I said I have searched thru the web and could not find a solution for this so far


  • Hi,


    It's been a while since I used that generate functionality (I personally don't find it that useful), but from memory the tool runner expects to find a shell script e.g. with Apache CXF I had a problem where the SoapUI generate tool runner was expecting:


    Whereas, the actual script was just 


    So, as a workaround I just copied wsdl2java to, but there may be a better solution (apart from improving the code) - does this sound like the same problem you have?




    • rupert_anderson's avatar
      Valued Contributor



      It's been a while since I used that generate functionality (I personally don't find it that useful), but from memory the tool runner expects to find a shell script e.g. with Apache CXF I had a problem where the SoapUI generate tool runner was expecting:


      Whereas, the actual script was just 


      So, as a workaround I just copied wsdl2java to, but there may be a better solution (apart from improving the code) - does this sound like the same problem you have?




      • ericomtx's avatar
        New Contributor

        Thank you Rupert !!


        it worked for me !!