Forum Discussion

Subratsingh's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

trim zeros after retrieving val from db query


My db query returns say val like, '86523.110000' and my soap response has a node value like '86523.11' which i need to assert. I need to remove the zeros after I retrieve the val from db and assert with the soap response node val. How can I do this?

Thank you!

6 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Have you tried trimming zeros from while getting value from db?
  • Subratsingh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Want to do that, but not knowing how to do this as I'm new to this SoapUI and groovy scripting.
  • JimLin's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I use this in a Groovy step. You can adjust the number of digits by increasing or decreasing the -3:

    // Remove trailing zeros
    def firstDepositMinusZero = firstDeposit[0..-3] as int
  • Subratsingh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Jim that worked for me. Sorry, was on vacation hence the delay in response

    I need your thoughts on this,

    I've a requirement where in I need to assert the XML response node val. The val basically is the average of 3 column values fethched from a DB query. To be precise, the 3 column values are fetched from 3 different queries. I need to assert the average of these 3 column vals and assert with the xml node respose. How to do this, I understand I need to fetch these 3 column values to 3 variables and then do the script assertion to calculate the average and assert. But not knowing the steps in SoapUI pro, can you please suggest? Thank you!