testrunner.bat: syntax of command line incorrect
- 8 years ago
Not exact sure what is the issue there.
Couple of suspects:
- The entire command should be in single line. Please check if it is in multiple lines.
- There are some slashes, colons etc in the property values. Wrap the value between double quotes (").
There are so many properties that are being passed from the command line. Instead create a property file (key = value pair) and pass it to the testrunner utility. If you do so, then both above mentioned problem won't occur in first place.
For example:
Create Property file as below (have used only a few for demo, say project.properties
username=test@test.onmicrosoft.com tokenResource=http://test.mccadevdpat.onmicrosoft.com/ cAD=test.onmicrosoft.com cId=1111111-11111-2222-9560-b348ad0a5e89 pauseIntervalSeconds=60 maxAttempts=100 JS_workflowPath=adl://test.azuredatalakestore.net/opt/rhi/test-test/latest/conf/workflow.xml
How to pass property file to testrunner command?
testrunner.bat -Dsoapui.properties.MY_PROJECT_NAME="/abs/path/project.properties" <other options> <project path>
Note: In the above, replace MY_PROJECT_NAME with actual value of your project name( which you see in SoapUI tool)
Refer documentation for the same : https://www.soapui.org/scripting---properties/working-with-properties.html
Hope this is helpful.