SSLHandshakeException when defining keyStore in JVM options
I have to call a web-service that uses client authentication.
I have one version that works, an one version that does not work (throws a SSLHandshakeException). I am very interested in the differences that SoapUI does, because I have similar problems at my glassfish java implementation.
I have imported the client certificate to C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.2.1\jre\lib\security\clientkeystore.
The version that does NOT work:
- I have added this keystore to C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.2.1\bin\SoapUI-5.3.0.vmoptions (set the JVM options and --> see attachment
- I have restarted SoapUI and checked menu 'Help'-->'System Properties'. My added lines are in there --> see attachment
- When I call the web-service, I get the exception: " Received fatal alert: handshake_failure"
The version that works:
- Open SoapUI Preferences --> SSL Settings. Select the keystore mentioned above and same as set as JVM option and enter also same password there.
- When I call the web-service, it works fine and gives me a result
So what is the difference?
What other things is SoapUI doing than setting the system properties and when I add the keystore information at runtime to the SoapUI SSL settings?
I have written a java client using the same java and keystore (and also only setting and that works fine and returns a correct result.
When I do the same thing with glassfish I get a 'SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: unknown_ca' exception.
Anybody an idea?
Thanks for help.