Forum Discussion

PG's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Soapui Pro - Run TestSuite in CMD

Hello SoapUi Pro users!


I have a SoapUi TestSuite called "MTPLind_DispatcherRuleBinding TestSuite_2020_EGYEB_A0_0001-5000"

It has 6 Test Steps:

 - DataSource with Database connection

 - SOAP request with ${DataSource#Variables}

 - Property Transfer

 - DataGen


 - DataSink with Database connection

 - DataSource Loop

I tried to run this Test Suite in Command line but it looks like that the DataSource query did not run, because my response recieve is HTTP/1.1 500 500 and when I saw the log file the Datasource query did not return any results and the SOAP request did got useless response, becaues the variables were left blank.


My command looks like this:

C:\Users\inf_qualtest\SoapUI-Pro-5.1.1\bin>testrunner.bat -s"MTPLind_DispatcherRuleBinding TestSuite_2020_EGYEB_A0_0001-5000" -j -fC:\CommonPrograms\_Projects\2019-10-03_Gépjármű_2020\TestRunner -I C:\CommonPrograms\_Projects\2019-10-03_Gépjármű_2020\MTPLind-DispatcherRule-20200101-soapui-project.xml


The error message I recieved:


What could be the problem?


Thank You!





    • PG's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      On the SoapUI Pro applicaton the DataSource step run correctly, So the DB connection status is OK!

      The current Test suite is run on SoapUi Pro app the error have only at the CMD running.


