Forum Discussion
Replying back to this thread on my steps to finally get the Bearer token for the Azure AD:
I followed a YouTube example on Azure REST API using PostMan on going through the steps in the Azure Portal
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I App registered SoapUI, created the secret_id, and I got my IT to add my registered app (SoapUI) in the subscription I test against with the role of Contributor.
Now I was in business to get my Azure AD Bearer Token:
In SoapUI, for my Request -> Auth Tab
Added a New Authorization
Type: OAuth 2.0
Profile name: AzureADBearerToken
On the config window:
OAuth 2 Flow: Client Credentials: Grant
Client Identification: ###############
Client Secret: #############
Access Token URI:
fill in your tenet_id obtained from Azure Portal
Click ‘Get Access Token’
Access Token: text box in SoapUI should get populated with your Azure AD Bearer Token
Now you have the Bearer Token when needed for Request
The next part of this journey will be to figure out how to construct the REST request to use the APIs for the Storage Services --- Queue, Table, File, and Blob services.