Forum Discussion

markwhitton's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

SOAPUI 5.4.0 JSON Assertion of Double Values Ending .00

I have a script assertion which asserts double values for a JSON response.  These asserts have been working until the latest release of SOAPUI (5.4.0).  It would appear that JsonSlurper is truncating...
  • JHunt's avatar
    7 years ago

    I am running SoapUI 5.3.0 and I confirm that your script does not give an assertion error for me.


    assert GroovySystem.version == "2.1.7"
    def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def json = slurper.parseText '{"accountBalance":{"value":125755.00,"currency":"CAD","amountType":"DEBIT"}}' assert json.accountBalance.value.toString() == "125755.00"

    It looks like JsonSlurper had significant work done to it in Groovy version 2.3 ( Then the below using the groovy console at 


    assert GroovySystem.version == "2.4.4"
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
    def json = slurper.parseText '{"accountBalance":{"value":125755.00,"currency":"CAD","amountType":"DEBIT"}}'
    assert json.accountBalance.value.toString() == "125755.00"
    Assertion failed: 
    assert json.accountBalance.value.toString() == "125755.00"
           |    |              |     |          |
           |    |              |     125755     false
           |    |              125755
           |    [amountType:DEBIT, currency:CAD, value:125755]
           [accountBalance:[amountType:DEBIT, currency:CAD, value:125755]]

    I would suggest that the newer behaviour is probably still correct. The JSON data defines a number, not a string. In theory, all we should care about is


    assert json.accountBalance.value == 125755

    If the application you are testing really does care about the decimal places, that would be non standard. Otherwise the data should be a string.  But since it isn't, you might need to do some non standard parsing.


    def json = '{"accountBalance":{"value":125755.00,"currency":"CAD","amountType":"DEBIT"}}'
    assert json =~ /"value"\s*:\s*125755.00/