Forum Discussion

martinh3345's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

SoapUI - How to create dynamic array mock responses for REST call

I currently have a REST mock service setup for a POST call that responds with different responses depending on the content of the call, this is all working fine but I need this to be able to handle a...
  • martinh3345's avatar
    5 years ago



    I managed to get this working in the end. I picked up the incoming requests and set them as an array, managed to loop through them and build up a variable containing dynamic responses to each and output the variable as my response. 


    Here's my code for anyone interested, not the prettiest but did the job


    // Parse the JSON request.
    def jsonrequest = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(mockRequest.getRequestContent())


    // Capture values from request
    requestContext.echoOrderCorrelationId = jsonrequest.orderCorrelationId


    //Define Incoming Array for CorrelationIds 
    def myarray = new ArrayList<String>(requestContext.echoOrderCorrelationId)
    def arraysize = myarray.size()


    //set variables for use in while loop
    def count = 0
    String Response = '['
    String Full = ''

    while(count < arraysize)
    //take the correlation ID for item in the loop
    def CorrelationID = myarray.get(count)
    //write the body of the response for the item in the loop
    String Body = '{"orderCorrelationId": "' + CorrelationID + '","customerName": "MOCK Customer","responseStatuses": [{"code": "","message": "OK","severity": "INFO"}]}'


    //increment the count

    //check if last iteration
    if (count < arraysize)
    //add comma to continue adding records
    Full = Response + Body + ','
    Response = Full
    //add ] to finalise response
    Full = Response + Body + ']'
    Response = Full
    } "Body = ${Response}"

    //set variable to return for Response Body
    requestContext.ResponseBody = Response


    For my response I just default to an OK and use ${ResponseBody} to output my variable