SOAP/HTTPS -SSL Issue - Extension unknown: DER encoded OCTET
SOAPUI 5.2.1 (Open Source) on Windows 7 Enterprise
We have a SOAP based web service running on HTTPS on a remote server with the SSL Key signed by the internal CA.
I downloaded the WSDL using the IE Browser over HTTPS and saved it into a file.
Created new SOAPUI project using the WSDL file created in previous step with sample request messages created automatically.
I installed client certificate as .PFX file in a local directory and updated global SSL Settings (File --> Preferences--> SSL Settings) pointing to the client.pfx file with password, also checked 'client authentication' box.
Also edited SOAPUI-5.2.1.vmoptions with following parameter:
and edited soapui.bat with JAVA_OPTS with:
-Dsoapui.https.protocols=TLSv1.2,TLSv1, SSLv3
When I invoke the web service I get HTTP/1.1 200 OK in response header but I do not see anything in the response window which remains blank. There is also nothing in the 'error log'.
when I look into the 'SSL info(1 certs)' and inspect it I can see certificate details with one interesting entry which says:
[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
Extension unknown: DER encoded OCTET String =
There are total 8 Certificate Extensions in the SSL Info (1 certs) tab.
Need help resolve this error as we cannot make any progress. Really appreciate your help!
Many Thanks!