Forum Discussion

Yariv_Amar's avatar
13 years ago

settings.xml in maven plugin

when i use the maven pluing the settings are read from my windows user account

10:33:04,839 WARN [SoapUI] Missing folder [C:\Maven project root\.\ext] for external libraries
10:33:05,046 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] initialized soapui-settings from [C:\Users\my user\soapui-settings.xml]

when i move the build to hudson, somethings are not working.
How can i provide my settings and override the soapui.home during maven builds?

1 Reply

  • i've found out that i can use this line to update the settings.

    but is there a better way just to override some settings?
    all i want is to define the scripts folder, using the line above works fine but the settings.xml is too "big" and not so friendly for maintenance