Forum Discussion

jkrier's avatar
Regular Contributor
7 years ago

Retrieve binding properties/values with groovy script

I would like to get the WSDL Definition Namespace in a Groovy script. I tried looking at the code completion to see if I could find anything useful and this is the best I could get.


def iList = runner.project.getInterfaceList() iList
for ( i in iList )

I didn't really see anything else that was useful. I have just 1 interface in my project.


If anyone knows how to do this it would help me out.

  • Try it like this:



    String tns = testRunner.testCase.project.getInterfaceByName('ServiceActivationRouter')
     .with { new XmlSlurper().parseText(it)}
     .with { definitions -> definitions.@targetNamespace.text() }



  • JHunt's avatar
    Community Hero

    Try it like this:



    String tns = testRunner.testCase.project.getInterfaceByName('ServiceActivationRouter')
     .with { new XmlSlurper().parseText(it)}
     .with { definitions -> definitions.@targetNamespace.text() }



  • JHunt's avatar
    Community Hero

    From project, use getInterfaceByName, from there you have getWsdlContext(), and then from there, getDefinitionParts().first().content is the actual wsdl definition as xml.

  • jkrier's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    JHunt Thanks for your response. That is getting me about halfway. Inside of the wsdl definition there is a 'targetNamespace=' and this is what I want to get. Either that or the 'namespace' returned inside of the schema list.


    I wish I could share my wsdl but it's for work and they won't allow me to share that on a public forum like this. Here is a editedup version of what I am talking about.


    <wsdl:definitions name="ServiceName" targetNamespace="http://www.targetNamespace" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:tns="http://www.tns/" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:sas="" xmlns:hdr="http://www.hdr" xmlns:ex="http://www.Exception">
    		<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified">
    			<xs:import namespace="http://www.namespace" schemaLocation="https://schemaLocation?xsd=../xsd/schemaLocation.xsd"/>
    			<xs:import namespace="http://www.Exception" schemaLocation="https://Exception/?xsd=..xsd/Exception.xsd"/>
    			<xs:import namespace="http://Header" schemaLocation="https://Header?xsd=../xsd/Header.xsd"/>

    Is there a way to return those values by name?


    Or if you look at the Project tab in SoapUI and you open the 'Interface Viewer' it lists all the parts of the interface. At the top it shows 'WSDL Definitions' and it lists the attributes by name.


    • WSDL Definition
      1. WSDL URL
      2. Namespace
      3. Binding
      4. SOAP Version
      5. Style
      6. WS-A version

    Do you know of a way to access these?



  • JHunt's avatar
    Community Hero

    Sorry, I don't know much about how SoapUI stores WSDLs internally (it seems there's some library being used). Mostly I can help you to get what you need out of the WSDL XML...


     .with { new XmlSlurper().parseText(it)}
     .with { definitions ->
        assert definitions.@targetNamespace.text() ==
        assert definitions.binding.collect { it.@name.text() } ==
        assert definitions.binding.operation.collect { it.@name.text() } ==
            ['login', 'logout', 'search', 'buy']
  • jkrier's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Thanks, I modified your script a little but it returns an error. You had the targetNameSpace explicitly in your script. I want to be able to get it without having to know it. Unless I am misunderstanding what you were doing?


    I made the following change.


     .with { new XmlSlurper().parseText(it)}
     .with { definitions -> 
        def tns = definitions.@targetNamespace.text() tns

    The error returned is


    groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [] Possible solutions: init(), min(), find(), any(), find(groovy.lang.Closure), find(groovy.lang.Closure)

    I changed the value of the targetNameSpace here but it is showing the valid namespace that I want to get.

  • jkrier's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    I had to make a small change to actually log the namespace but this works.

     .with { new XmlSlurper().parseText(it)}
     .with { definitions -> definitions.@targetNamespace.text() }

    Thanks for your help!

  • jkrier's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Hah!, I just realized you had it right actually. I started thinking about how I was going to use this unnamed variable and saw what I did wrong.


    String tns = testRunner.testCase.project.getInterfaceByName('ServiceActivationRouter')
     .with { new XmlSlurper().parseText(it)}
     .with { definitions -> definitions.@targetNamespace.text() } tns