I come to this conclusion(bug in SoapUI or 3rd part component used by SoapUI) for 3 reasons
1) As I already mentioned in ealier replies
I can post successfully (still using digest authentication) in case I don't attach the file, but post the binary file INLINE, then I don't get the error anymore...
However including the binary file inline give me other problems because SoapUI encodes the binary file as if it was text....
So yes I post successfully by otherways, but I can't really call this a success if the file posted becomes unreadable because Soap encodes the binary file inline as text...
If someone can tell me how to nclude a binary file inline that is not encoded as text....
However it would be so much easier to attach the file...
2) the error generated in case I POST with digest authentication and with file attached is a client-error(on SoapUI side), not a server error
3) in case I use a curl command to POST the file attached with digest authentication I have no problems at all, this proves there is no error on the server side
So I suggest to try it yourself, to POST a file attached application/octect-stream (REST) with digest authenication
or maybe you can tell me how to POST a binary file inline that is not encoded as text....