Forum Discussion
Just a bump as this is pretty annoying and basic to MockService. If I can't see the message it's pretty worthless.
- moreme9 years agoOccasional Contributor
I don't know how I can show a screenshot of behavior that I can't do.
Basically if I click on that request on the mockservice ("2016-02-29 11:30:06.922: {/jts/oauth-request-token] 0ms") nothing happens. If it's supposed to be like the SOAP mockservice then a dialog should pop up showing me the request data and response data.
- nmrao9 years agoChampion Level 2Hmm, this is just guess. If you are creating a services and implementing dispatch for an operation, there you wont see any request. That is how it is designed.
Once you hit the mock service, then you will there the current request. If you hit the mock service again with different values, then you would see the changed request. Hope this is what you trying to say and this clarifies. - nmrao9 years agoChampion Level 2Or I may complete did not get question right.
By the way, you may also have a look at this thread and see if this is the same issue moreme9 years agoOccasional Contributor
Maybe there are extra steps in creating a REST mock service that I'm not aware of.
First I "modelled" the REST calls and tested them normally. Then I right clicked the endpoint and selected "Generate REST Mock Service" (exactly how I would do with a SOAP service).
From that point on I'm just expecting it to work as I'm not doing anything special. All I do is input a MockResponse for calls I will be testing. Everything else I keep the default values.
I know underneath it's working because everytime I make a call I see a new line in the "Message Log" area and I see the correct MockResponse in my client. It just will not open that new line in the Message Log when I double click on it so I can see the actual request that came in. I can click on it all I want, nothing happens.
I can put tcpmon in the middle and see everything going back and forth fine. I'm using tcpmon because the whole point of this is making sure the request is correct, I'd much rather just look in the Mock Service but I can't.
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