4 years agoOccasional Contributor
Resource in Test Steps is auto updated when a Resource has 2 instances with different HTTP Methods
I have 2 resources as mentioned below with different http methods and I'm facing issue when I use them as test steps in a Test case in SOAP UI Open source.
Resource 1: user/UserID as GET method to fetch all users
Resource 2: user/UserID as PUT method to insert a new user
Now if I use these 2 resources in a Test case, Resource/Method in Test steps is auto changed to the first Resource with GET method though the aim of my Test step is to PUT the user. Every time I reopen SOAP UI, all my test steps with this resource act as GET method.
I Can use a single resource if my test case needs it to be used with different query parameters, but how to use the same resource in a test case twice with different HTTP method(POST and GET in this case)