Forum Discussion

htalkad1's avatar
13 years ago

Relative path does not work.


I have soapui projects stored in SVN shared among multiple sites and to enable reusing the same project file I did set the "Resource Root" to "${projectDir}" value.

But when I see my project file I still see something like below(bolded text) which has reference to my local directory which is making sharing the file across multiple sites impossible. What am I doing wrong?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<con:soapui-project name="TestProject" soapui-version="3.6.1" abortOnError="false" runType="SEQUENTIAL" resourceRoot="${projectDir}" xmlns:con=""><con:settings/><con:interface name="TestWebServiceSoap" bindingName="{}TestWebServiceSoap" soapVersion="1_1" definition="../myprojects/wsdls/TestWs.wsdl" xsi:type="con:WsdlInterface" wsaVersion="NONE" anonymous="optional" xmlns:xsi=""><con:settings/><con:definitionCache type="TEXT" rootPart="file:/C:/MyCode/Work/webservices/myprojects/wsdls/TestWs.wsdl"><con:part><con:url>file:/C:/MyCode/Work/webservices/myprojects/wsdls/TestWs.wsdl</con:url><con:content>

And I have set the workspace Project Root to ${workspaceDir} and project Resource Root to ${projectDir} and I am using 3.6.1 version of soapui.
Thanks in advance.