Forum Discussion

kakmca's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Regarding soapui "starter-page-pro.html" location setting

Hi All,

This is my first day with Soap UI and my first Question in this Forum.

I have just installed SoapUI-Pro. I am getting the following error:

Cannot find 'file:///D:/Ashok/SoapUIPro/soapui-pro-4.5.2/bin//starter-page-pro.html'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.

The problem is that: I might set path with extra '/' symbol. Hence, the above path is showing '//' after bin as highlighted in the above path.

But, I am not understanding where to correct this problem.

Please help me...

Thanks in advance,
Ashok kumar.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Welcome to soapui world

    Having an additional '/' should not matter. By the way, when you see the error?
    Have you looked into the mentioned location for the respective file?
  • kakmca's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hi Rao,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    I am getting the above error (mentioned in the post) everytime I am opening SoapUI Pro Editor.

    starter-page-pro.html is available in the mentioned location.

    My guess is that I have to remove that extra "/" from some where in the configuration seetings.

    Please suggest me...
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Ok. Is it causing you any trouble using soapui?
  • Liberty_Informa's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    kakmca alternatively go to File -> Preferences -> UI Settings and Turn off the check box which says "Opens startup web page when starting soapUI". This may not solve the root cause but may suppress your error. Normally I turn off this setting which also helps starting soapUI faster :-)
  • nmrao wrote:
    Ok. Is it causing you any trouble using soapui?

    I can't speak for Mr. Kumar, but since he hasn't answered I might as well put it on record that for me it was causing trouble. After getting the error, soapUI would soon become unresponsive, and its java.exe process would show as 50% CPU indefinitely (until I got bored and killed it).

    I should point out, though, my circumstances were slightly different. My error was this:
    Cannot find 'file://C:\Program Files\SmartBear\soapui-4.0.1\bin\/starter-page.html'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.

    So as you can see I have an old, non-pro, version of soapUI. And my error had a different arrangement of slashes - including 5 back-slashes (unlike Mr. Kumar who shows only forward-slashes).

    I was able to get into the preferences screen and turn off the box that says "Opens startup web page when starting soapUI". (Thank you Liberty Information Technology Support for pointing that out.) The java.exe process hit 50% again and I had to kill it. But thankfully it did save the preference change in the soapui-settings.xml file. So the next time I opened soapUI, the problem had gone.

    For anyone else encountering this problem, the "Opens startup web page when starting soapUI" option seems to correspond to the "UISettings@show_startup_page" setting in soapui-settings.xml.

    For soapUI developers, firstly - thanks for all your efforts! Secondly, there may be 1 or 2 bugs worth investigating. 1# The software should be able to display the starter-page. 2# Whatever problem prevents it from showing the starter-page shouldn't lead to it freezing on 50% CPU and needing to be killed.
    In my case, as in this one, the problem only happened when using the .bat file, and not when launching soapUI through the Start > Programs.
