Forum Discussion

omensio's avatar
16 years ago

*Real life' type tutorial material

I couldn't find a good real life tutorial of 'how to use' SOUPUI' in real business application environment.
It shoul be simple enough to be able to create a demostration of the tool tomorrow. I have besic skills, but now to problem is that all availavle servises (public) i know are far to simple ones (like wheather service).
I do not neet to demonstrate fancy features, just basic workflow with a little bit more complicated interface (like amazon however which i foud to be perhaps too complicated whithout proper quidance).

1 Reply

  • admin_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Olli,

    Have you tested the sample project that is included in the soapUI installation.

    It was created with the real business environ case in mind.
    It has 4 reasonably lifelike requests; log in, (product)search, buy, and log out. The sample project shows what probably is the most common need; log in and use the session id in the response as a parameter in the next request. The sample project also includes some common ways of validating your tests.

    It alls seems fine and dandy, doesn't it? Well, it has two drawback:

    1) It's small, just four requests
    2) It does not run against a real Web Service out there on the Internets, instead it will run against a local MockService. A MockService is something very lifelike, but it would be nice to have it against a Public Web Service.

    Check out the tutorial here: ... oject.html.

    The sample project itself is installed in the soapUI Installation directory (from 2.5 in the tutorials folder with a sample REST project).
    Try it and see if it works for you!
