Forum Discussion
7 years agoChampion Level 3
Provide the details of script & stacktrace which is causing the trouble. It is difficult to imagine and reply.
- Revathi15227 years agoNew Contributorassert context.request, 'Request is empty or null'; assert context.response, 'Response is empty or null'; def parsedJsonResponse = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response); def testSuite = messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase.testSuite; def linkFromProperties=testSuite.getPropertyValue("links"); String link = parsedJsonResponse.links "$link" def id = link.substring(link.indexOf("communication-interface/")+24, link.length()) id //set newly generated id to test suite properties testSuite.setPropertyValue("id", id); This the code i hav eused
- nmrao7 years agoChampion Level 3Based on the information provided in the script, there is no way to get error mentioned in the question as there is no where "testRunner" is present in the script.