Forum Discussion

ahart's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Project that works in SoapUi 4.6.1 fails in SoapUi

I have a SoapUi project from 4.6.1 that uses WS-Security to connect to a Apache CXF 2.3.1/JBoss6 SOAP web service.   The SSL global preferences are set with a certificate that gets through our prox...
  • rupert_anderson's avatar
    9 years ago



    I have seen similar issues those you are describing, perhaps since version 5.0. The signature and timestamp functionity seems to work ok, but the encrytion causes that null response - I think its to do with the WSS4j related libraries that SoapUI bundles, and is in fact a confusing, but hopefully quite easily fixed bug. This post relates to the same problem and provides details of a solution by way of copying in the newer / required library version:



    Hope this helps,

