13 years agoNew Contributor
ProbablyBadPasswordException with Correct Password
I can not add my keystore; following error occurs:
However my keystore's password is correct and file is not corrupted. I verified it by:
What might be the problem? I had created the keystore as seen below:
Kind regards,
Kaan Yy
I can not add my keystore; following error occurs:
error: org.apache.commons.ssl.ProbablyBadPasswordException: Probably bad JKS-Key password: java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: Cannot recover key
However my keystore's password is correct and file is not corrupted. I verified it by:
D:\cert>d:\apps\jdk6\bin\keytool -keystore "D:\cert\client1Keytore.ks" -list
Enter keystore password:
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
client1, 02.May.2012, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): B6:55:62:95:ED:78:87:D5:F3:E4:9D:B1:82:B2:F6:20
What might be the problem? I had created the keystore as seen below:
d:\apps\jdk6\bin\keytool -keystore d:\cert\client1Keytore.ks -genkey -alias client1 -keypass -pass1234
Kind regards,
Kaan Yy