NTLM Authorization does not work with SOAPUI Opensource
Hi all,
Similar questions have been posted about this. I have a web service that supports multiple authentication methods. But I want to pass an NTLM authorization from SoapUI. Unfortunately, the web service first attempts a Kerberos authentication, and that fails. So the web service goes into "Negotiate" mode - it returns a message:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Length: 0
Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
It is expecting the request to re-send the authentication, at which time it will then attempt an NTLM authentication.
When testing SoapUI, I struggled with this before I knew the reason, and I tried SoapUI Pro, which does not have this same problem. SoapUI Pro will authenticate properly
Does anyone know if there is a setting or other workaround in SoapUI OpenSource?