Forum Discussion

Apoorva6's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

Need help in groovy script to fetch proper response.

I need help in below issue.

I have 2 attributes in request orderComponentId and orderDataType.
orderDataType can take 2 values (TTTN and PORT) and orderComponentId can take any value.
I have 2 path where response is stored in XML. This response name will be same as orderComponentId value

path1= groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/
path2= groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/PORTEDTN/

Now based on orderDataType value i.e TTTN or PORT, I need to fetch response from path1 or path2 and if not present throw a fault message as No data found
If orderDataType is TTTN, then fetch response from path1 and if orderDataType is PORT, fetch response from path2
I am trying with below script and always i get fault message

def groovyUtils = new
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(mockRequest.requestContent)
def soNumber = holder.getNodeValue("//*:InquireEnterpriseTNOrderDataRequest/*:orderComponentId")
def orderType = holder.getNodeValue("//*:InquireEnterpriseTNOrderDataRequest/*:orderDataType")
def file = new File (groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/${soNumber}.xml")

def file1 = new File (groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/PORTEDTN/${soNumber}.xml")

def fileToLoad = 'soapFault'
if (orderType == "TTTN" and file.exists ) {
        fileToLoad = soNumber
    context.content = groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(new XmlParser().parse(groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/${fileToLoad}.xml"))

else if (orderType == "PORT" and file1.exists ) {

fileToLoad = soNumber
context.content = groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(new XmlParser().parse(groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/PORTEDTN/${fileToLoad}.xml"))

  • nmrao's avatar
    8 years ago



    Can you try below script ? Note that I could not test before providing as I do not have artifacts.


    def groovyUtils = new
    def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(mockRequest.requestContent)
    def soNumber = holder.getNodeValue("//*:InquireEnterpriseTNOrderDataRequest/*:orderComponentId")
    def orderType = holder.getNodeValue("//*:InquireEnterpriseTNOrderDataRequest/*:orderDataType")
    def prefix = "${groovyUtils.projectPath}/MOCK/CSI/IETN/"
    def getPrefix = {  orderType == 'PORT' ? ("${prefix}PORTEDTN/" as String) : prefix }
    def getFileName = {
      def fileName = "${getPrefix()}${soNumber}.xml" as String
      def file = new File(fileName)
      file.exists() ? fileName : ("${getPrefix()}soapFault.xml" as String)
    def getResponseContent = { new File(getFileName()).text }
    context.content = getResponseContent() "Response content is set to : ${context.content}"



16 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    You need to provide useful info such as request and context etc.

    The above is not really helpful.
    • Apoorva6's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Rao,


      Thanks for your reply. Below are 2 sample requests




      In above request orderDataType is PORT and orderComponentId is 1523225. So our script need to get the response name stored at path groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/PORTEDTN/ and look at 1523225.xml and give the response back. Else throw the fault message.




      In above request orderDataType is TTTN and orderComponentId is 15253545. Hence script should look the response 15253545.xml in path groovyUtils.projectPath+"/MOCK/CSI/IETN/


      Hope above details helps. Thanks in advance.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Are you accessing these requests in mock service? And the above script is related to that?
  • Apoorva6's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hi Rao,

    Yes. Above script is from mock service.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Apoorva6, can you please specify the problem with above script? or what is happening?
  • Apoorva6's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    With above script, i am always getting soap fault message as no response found even when proper response are placed in both the path.
    • Apoorva6's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Can someone please check what is wrong with above script please ? As I mentioned in my earlier comment, control is always going to invoke fault message and never reaching file path.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        Can you try below script ? Note that I could not test before providing as I do not have artifacts.


        def groovyUtils = new
        def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(mockRequest.requestContent)
        def soNumber = holder.getNodeValue("//*:InquireEnterpriseTNOrderDataRequest/*:orderComponentId")
        def orderType = holder.getNodeValue("//*:InquireEnterpriseTNOrderDataRequest/*:orderDataType")
        def prefix = "${groovyUtils.projectPath}/MOCK/CSI/IETN/"
        def getPrefix = {  orderType == 'PORT' ? ("${prefix}PORTEDTN/" as String) : prefix }
        def getFileName = {
          def fileName = "${getPrefix()}${soNumber}.xml" as String
          def file = new File(fileName)
          file.exists() ? fileName : ("${getPrefix()}soapFault.xml" as String)
        def getResponseContent = { new File(getFileName()).text }
        context.content = getResponseContent() "Response content is set to : ${context.content}"