Forum Discussion

MarkD's avatar
10 years ago

mockservicerunner in windows service


I'm trying to run a mock service on windows server 2008 in a windows service. I'm using the following command to create the windows service...

sc create SoapUIMockService binpath= "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.0.0\bin\mockservicerunner.bat\" -b -m \"MyServiceSoapBinding MockService\" \"C:\Test\MyService-soapui-project.xml\"" displayname= "SoapUI Mock Service" start= auto

This creates the service fine but it fails to start with...

"The SoapUI Mock Service service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."

It's set to run as the local system account.

It doesn't seem to log anything in the SoapUI logs.

My mock service works fine in SoapUI itself and also from the command line.

Is this a valid thing to try? The documentation about mockservicerunner does suggest that is can run as a windows service.

Any help much appreciated!
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