Forum Discussion

masta's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Mock Service Error 503


I have a problem by using the Mock Service when calling SOAP request. I used my WSDL and without the Mock Service everything works fine. I set up the Mock Service in the same way as the Smartbear documentation for Mock Services. The problem is now when I am doing the SOAP calls I get the error message "503 Service unavailable-Failed to resolve the name of the server(LAP00-ECO-MJAN is the name). Tried to change the name to localhost and then I get the error message "Failed to connect to server". Don't really know what to do now cause I couldn't find any solution to this problem.


All the best,


  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Is mock service started? And using the right host and port while hitting the service from the test?
    • masta's avatar
      New Contributor

      Yes Mock service is running and it`s using the correct port and host

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Were you also able to check the logs and see if you get any clues?

        You may also check the telnet host port to see the port is running on that host where mock service is running.