Forum Discussion

MikeRosoft's avatar
New Member
9 years ago

MissingPropertyException on swagger import - SoapUI open source bundles broken Swagger plugin

I have attempted to import a Swagger definition file generated by Swashbuckler NuGet package (version 6 -> generates Swagger 2; this version of the package is required by ASP.NET Core 5). I encountered the same exception as reported here for SoapUI NG: "groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: path for class: com.smartbear.swagger.Swagger2Importer".


Swagger definition generated by Swashbuckler 5 under ASP.NET 4.6.1 was imported correctly.


If I understand correctly, the bug was fixed in the most recent version of the Swagger plugin. However, SoapUI NG bundles version 2.2, and I wasn't able to download the most recent version. The plugin page bounced me around between the SoapUI plugin manager (which is only in the commercial version), the plugin's GitHub page, the download page for obsolete versions of the plugin, and the list of plugins (which links back to GitHub). It seems that the only option I have is to download the plugin source code and rebuild the plugin myself.

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