Forum Discussion

osnavarro's avatar
11 years ago

Missing Operation for SoapAction

Dear SmartBear and friends

I´m working with SoapUI version 5.1.1

I am receiving DispatchException on my mockservice when requesting responses from a webservice calling to my Mock.

In logs I can see:

20141022135152981 VM-MSA-PFUN [es.XXXXX.fwk] DEBUG [] [] [XXXXX.framework.statistics.method.start] INICIO |command.webservice.execute|null|
20141022135154030 VM-MSA-PFUN [es.XXXXX.fwk.service] ERROR [] [] [] Service excecution error. Servicio: "" Parámetros: "es.XXXXX.fwk.dto.ServiceDTOImpl@5a9f4d3b[from=<null>,operationName=<null>,,parameters={codNodoJerarquia=1, ubicacionParcial=null, localeCountry=ES, localeLanguage=es, codResponsable=null, codUsuario=null, filtroUbicacion=existente, localeVariant=MOCKUP_1, codAplicacion=juanmi, listaValoresPosibles=[{codValor=5}]},results={},parameterBindings=<null>,errorList=<null>,executionContext=<null>]" Response was of unexpected text/html ContentType. Incoming portion of HTML stream: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<faultstring>Missing operation for soapAction [] and body element [{}ConsultarUbicacionesArbol] with SOAP Version [SOAP 1.1]</faultstring>
at es.XXXXX.fwk.service.manager.BaseManager.executeBusinessOperation(
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Response was of unexpected text/html ContentType. Incoming portion of HTML stream: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<faultstring>Missing operation for soapAction [] and body element [{}ConsultarUbicacionesArbol] with SOAP Version [SOAP 1.1]</faultstring>
... 54 more

I have lookup up for similar cases for a resolution, I have encountered the following and tried those with no result:
- "Requiere SOAP Action" property to "false" -> It doesn´t work
- "Uncheck HTTP Settings/Logs wire content of all mock requests" -> this is already unchecked
- Post ‘’ give me compilation errors. It´s impossible for me translate this solution to my WSDL

Can you help me with my problem?

Best regards.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    1. In the first line of log, it shows that operationName is null in addition the saop fault message "soapAction missing"
    Open the test request properties, check the operation name and Skip Soap Action properties.

    2. Looks there is another validation error that some body element is missing in the request - from soap fault message.
    Validate the request before sending(you may use Alt+v)