9 years agoOccasional Contributor
Load Tests are not fully executing
Test Step,min,max,avg,last,cnt,tps,bytes,bps,err,rat
getSubjectEntitlements for user STEST21,55,399,198.18,133,50,4.02,9200,741,24,48
getSubjectEntitlements for user STEST24,62,334,177.5,169,26,2.09,4784,385,9,34
getSubjectEntitlements for user STEST26,179,680,448.23,541,17,1.36,10455,842,15,88
getSubjectEntitlements for user STEST21,55,399,198.18,133,50,4.02,9200,741,24,48
getSubjectEntitlements for user STEST24,62,334,177.5,169,26,2.09,4784,385,9,34
getSubjectEntitlements for user STEST26,179,680,448.23,541,17,1.36,10455,842,15,88
This is output from a LoadTest that I just ran. You can see that the cnt is different per TestStep 1 vs 2 vs 3
50 for test step 1,
26 for test step 2,
17 for test step 3
I have designed this particular test as a Simple Strategy with the following params:
Threads: 5, Test Delay: 1000, Random: 0.5
Limit: 10, Runs per Thread
There are assertions on these tests, HTTP Valid Heades, SLA, and JSON Script verification
I would expect each cnt to be 50. Am I missing someting? Why would test steps 2 & 3 fall short by 50% and almost 60%?