9 years agoOccasional Contributor
Is it possible to run the Testrunner in a docker container?
Hi, Is it possible to run the Testrunner in a Docker container? I have not be successful running it without X11. / Johan
- 6 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions nmrao I ended using quotes in the command, like this:
docker run --name testsoap540 --rm -i -v ${PWD}/Reports:/drive -v ${PWD}/soapui_project:/soapui_project --env "RESULTS=/drive/Results" --entrypoint ant nmrao/soapui:5.4.0 "-Dsoapui.project=/soapui_project/soapui-project.xml -Dsoapui.properties=/soapui_project/parameters.ini -Dsoapui.settings=/soapui_project/soapui-settings.xml"Thanks!