Forum Discussion

dan2014's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Is it possible to parameterize the user credentials in the soapui free version ?

Hi,   I am using the soapui free version. I need to run my tests with different credentials by giving different endpoints for dev and staging. Is it possible to parameterize this in the free versio...
  • rupert_anderson's avatar
    10 years ago

    Hi Daniel,


    Yes, although the pro version does have the environment feature, this is very doable in the open source version, there are several effective ways to accomplish this.


    One way is to use a Properties TestStep. These can be used to load properties from a simple text file as part of a TestCase e.g. a file containing:


    environmentName=QA Environment


    These properties can then be referenced eslewhere in the TestCase e.g. to set Request TestStep properties/value using property expansions e.g. like 


    def environmentName = context.expand('${LoadProperties#environmentName}')


    Note you can also supply the file name as a property that could be supplied as a project level property e.g. reference with ${#Project#propertiesFileName}



    Also as a runtime parameter (-PpropertiesFileName=...) if running SoapUI from a runner script e.g. Note you could supply all your properties this way, there is also a -e enpoint parameter for the runner script.


    See also


    Hope this gives you some ideas,


