6 years agoOccasional Contributor
In jenkins external groovy scripts dont find jars to import
The groovy scripts which are present under project.xml does find all jars to be imported which are present
I pulled out common functions and built a seperate script library and placed it outside the project xml, and call those methods from a groovy script present inside project.xml: the dependenices could not be imported.
INFO [SoapUI] Adding [/***/jenkins/home/workspace/******Regression_Maven/***soapui-integration/ext/xyz.jar] to extensions classpath
All those jars are required seperately are present in the workspace, but the seperate groovy script is unable to find it.
file:/***/jenkins/home/workspace/*****-Regression_Maven/****-soapui/****-soapui-projects/Regression_****/groovy-lib/***/Create***.groovy: 7: unable to resolve class xyz.xyzUtility @ line 7, column 1. import xyz.xyzUtility
Any suggession would be highly appreciated.