9 years agoOccasional Contributor
http/1.1.407 proxyauthentication required in groovy script
I am trying to trigger the request using HTTPBuilder in groovy script: Here's my script.Here I already defined groovyUtils just not mentioned in code:
I am trying to trigger the request using HTTPBuilder in groovy script: Here's my script.Here I already defined groovyUtils just not mentioned in code: String url="" String uriPath="/contact" def req=groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("myReq#request") HTTPBuilder http=new HTTPBuilder(url) http.client.getCredentials( new AuthScope('myProxy',port) new UserNamePasswordCredentials('userName','Password') ) http.setProxy('myProxy',port,'http') http.request(Method.POST,ContentType.XML){ uri.Path=uriPath headers.'user-id'='nbxxx' body:req response.success{resp1,reader-> "$resp1.statusLine" } response.failure{resp1-> "status:$resp1.statusLine" } }
but in it is printing that in failure that "http/1.1.407 proxyAuthentication required" why I am getting this. I already mention proxy here