6 years agoSuper Contributor
How to read the logs from PUTTY using Ready API
While testing the rest API using ReadyAPI, I have come up with a scenario where I need to login to putty to validate the logs. Is there any way to write any automation script in ReadyAPI tool so that when my automation script run then automatically it logs into the putty and validate the logs.
I have tried below groovy script (https://community.smartbear.com/t5/SoapUI-Pro/Testing-Linux-command-line-using-Ready-API/td-p/178628) - This soluton was provided by Lucian
log.info 'cmd /c D:\\applications\\putty\\putty.exe -ssh yourserver -l yourusername -pw yourpassword -m D:\\applications\\putty\\commands.txt'.execute()
I am able to invoke putty but the commands are not working.
And inside file.txt - I have provided my commands which I need to run after I logged in to putty.
Please provide some help Lucian