Forum Discussion

babusr01's avatar
9 years ago

How to parse JSON response in SOAPUI

I am currently working automation with SOAPUI .   I need to do End to End for 3 services.   A svc – it will return rxEncryptedToken , if success else success code as different B Svc -  I need t...
  • nmrao's avatar
    9 years ago

    Please try the below solution, by following comments.

    Disclaimer, could not test.

     * Assuming that the Test Case has following Steps
     * 1. REST Request Step1 - this gets access token
     * 2. REST Request Step2 - user needs to add the above
     * access token as http headers and user conditions taken care by below script
     * In case if you have more steps ado so.
     * For this below is the proposed goovy script.
     * Follow the instructions carefully
     * Introduce the Groovy Script test step between Step 1 and Step 2 and copy below code
     * Add Test Case level custom properties as given below
     * ===========================================================================
     * NEXT_STEP_HEADER_NAME_FOR_TOKEN - value should be the http header name for sending access token
     * EXIT_STEP_NAME - provide any value
     * ===========================================================================
     * Add another Groovy Script test step as last step in this test case,
     * name the test step same as the value given for EXIT_STEP_NAME property
     * but this is just need for control of execution, there may or may not be
     * having any code in it or just use log statement saying test finished
     * Finall test case will appear with below steps
     * 1. rest step to get token
     * 2. groovy script step with this code
     * 3. rest2 step using access token
     * 4. exit groovy script
    import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestCaseRunContext
    import net.sf.json.groovy.JsonSlurper
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger
     * Created by Rao on 1/11/2016.
    class ResponseCodes {
        String code
        String description
        boolean isNextStepToBeExecuted
    class ConditionEvaluator {
        static Map<String, ResponseCodes> responseCodes
        static {
            responseCodes = new HashMap<>()
            responseCodes["0000"] =  new ResponseCodes(code: "0000", description: "Success")
            responseCodes["0058"] =  new ResponseCodes(code: "0058", description: "Profile Already Exist.", isNextStepToBeExecuted: false)
            responseCodes["5002"] =  new ResponseCodes(code: "5002", description: "Invalid Request: [JSV0007] Invalid string: '' does not match pattern '^d{1,5}\\\$'.", isNextStepToBeExecuted: true)
        TestCaseRunContext context
        Logger log
        def parseAndEvaluateResponse(String response, String propertyName) {
            def currentStatusCode
            def currentDescription
            def currentResponseCode
            def toBeFound = true
            def jsonResonponse = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
            if (jsonResonponse.createProfileAccountResponse) {
      "Found createProfileAccountResponse key")
                currentStatusCode = jsonResonponse.createProfileAccountResponse.statusCode
                currentDescription = jsonResonponse.createProfileAccountResponse.statusDescription
            } else if (jsonResonponse.response) {
      "Found response key")
                currentStatusCode = jsonResonponse.response.header.statusCode
                currentDescription = jsonResonponse.response.header.statusDesc
                toBeFound = false
  "Status Code :${currentStatusCode}")
  "Status Description :${currentDescription}")
            if (responseCodes.containsKey(currentStatusCode)) {
      "Found existing statusCode")
                currentResponseCode = responseCodes.get(currentStatusCode)
                if (currentResponseCode.description == currentDescription) {
          "Matched the description")
                    if (toBeFound) {
                        if (jsonResonponse.createProfileAccountResponse.rxStatus.rxEncryptedToken) {
                  "Found rxEncryptedToken and setting true for the next step execution")
                            currentResponseCode.isNextStepToBeExecuted = true
                            assert null != jsonResonponse.createProfileAccountResponse.rxStatus.rxEncryptedToken.toString(), "Toke is either empty or null"
                            context.testCase.setPropertyValue(propertyName, jsonResonponse.createProfileAccountResponse.rxStatus.rxEncryptedToken.toString())
                  "Setting a test case level custom property ${propertyName}, this is going to contains token")
                        } else {
                  "Could not found rxEncryptedToken and setting false for the next step execution")
                            currentResponseCode.isNextStepToBeExecuted = false
                } else {
                    log.error("Not matching description")
            } else {
                log.error("Count not found the status code")
    def setHttpHeaders(String nextStepName, def headers) {
        def nextRequest = context.testCase.testSteps[nextStepName].httpRequest
        def existingHeaders = nextRequest.requestHeaders
        headers.each {
            existingHeaders[it.key] = it.value
        nextRequest.requestHeaders = existingHeaders
    def previousStepName = context.testCase.getTestStepAt(context.currentStepIndex - 1).name
    def nextStepName = context.testCase.getTestStepAt(context.currentStepIndex + 1).name
    def exitStepName = context.testCase.getPropertyValue('EXIT_STEP_NAME')
    def conditionalEvaluation = new ConditionEvaluator(context: context, log:log)
    def isNextStepExecute = conditionalEvaluation.parseAndEvaluateResponse(context.expand('${'+previousStepName+'#Response}'), 'ACCESS_TOKEN')
     * Assuming you need to set the access token as http header for next request.
     * Then use below lines, comment otherwise.
    def headers = [(context.testCase.getPropertyValue('NEXT_STEP_HEADER_NAME_FOR_TOKEN')): [(context.testCase.getPropertyValue('ACCESS_TOKEN'))]]
    setHttpHeaders(nextStepName, headers)
     * Based on below condition it will run or skip execution of Request Step 2
     * if true control will go to Request Step2
     * otherwise, control will be transferred to EXIT step directly
    if (isNextStepExecute) {
    } else {