Forum Discussion

jeff2k114's avatar
11 years ago

How to parametize SOAP Request


I'm new here in the forum and relatively new to SOAP UI. As I continue to learn the tool, I've noticed that perhaps this tool is capable of doing a lot of things and I just need guidance how I can do it.

Right now, we have a type of testing that requires to run SOAP test request sequencially but we are limited to do so because our tags are hardcoded. I'd like to ask help how I can make my XML / Request file parametized in order for every run it will not return an error because of different validation messages from our system.

Attached is a sample request and reponse of one of SOAP requests.

As you can see in the attachment, I'm getting error because the value in DDCUSN is already exist. What I would like to do is parametize this field so that the system will just pickup a data that I place somewhere in my repository (ie notepad text file) and run a couple of this without intervention when I put it into a test suite.

Hope you can help me out on this. Thanks very much.