Forum Discussion
- omatzuraSuper ContributorHi Daniel,
this is how it is supposed to work.. which soapUI version are you using?
You can also try your certificate by specifying it directly in the keystore setting (ie specify the certificate file instead of the keystore)..
Please try 1.7.5 beta2 which has updated SSL support.. also please note if you are getting any errors in the log when specifying the certificate..
/Ole - Daniel_TwumNew ContributorHi Ole,
I am using soapui v 1.7.
I noticed that when I display the contents of my keystore file,
it shows mykey as a trustedCertEntry - I had read somewhere
that mykey needs to be a keyEntry and gave a command using
openssl on how to convert the crt cert file into a .cer or .der that
soapui will use.
Any more info on this?
C:\MNG\certificates>keytool -list
Enter keystore password: fidelity
Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
mykey, Jul 23, 2007, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 8A:FA:C1:0D:D0:D2:6E:11:DB:91:0B:4C:8C:BD:44:91 - omatzuraSuper ContributorHi Daniel,
thanks for your feedback.. Would it be possible for you to try this with the beta2 version of soapUI 1.7.5 which has an updated ssl-library for reading and negotiating keys.. (and we could continue our error-search from there if it doesn't work).. let me know!
kind regards,
/Ole - Daniel_TwumNew ContributorHi Ole,
I have installed soapUI 1.7.5 Pro beta and the same issue occurs.
I had listed the contents of the .keystore file in the prior posting.
It seems soapUI has a problem reading the keystore with the error:
2007-07-23 17:06:09,955 INFO [HttpClientSupport$Helper] Updating keyStore..
2007-07-23 17:06:09,971 ERROR [HttpClientSupport$Helper] Failed to load KeyMaterial [C:\Documents and Settings\A416304\.keystore] org.apache.commons.ssl.ProbablyBadPasswordException: Probably bad JKS password: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
2007-07-23 17:06:09,971 INFO [HttpClientSupport$Helper] Updating keyStore..
2007-07-23 17:06:09,971 ERROR [HttpClientSupport$Helper] Failed to load KeyMaterial [C:\Documents and Settings\A416304\.keystore] No private keys found in keystore! - omatzuraSuper ContributorHi Daniel,
thanks.. we'll look into this and I'll get back to you..
one question: can you mail me the keystore for debugging? ( .. of course it's perfectly understandable if you cant :-)
/Ole - venNew ContributorHi Daniel ,
I am also facing the same issue ,whenever i import the keystore soap ui says no private key found.
Just wondering if u happen to have a solution for this .
Hey Ole,
Can u pls let me know if there is any way out .
thanks - omatzuraSuper ContributorHi!
you need to import both the certificate and the private key into your keystore, which isn't as easy as it sounds ;-) Fortunately, there is help at hand at (credit to Daniel who found this link..)
Hope this helps!
/Ole - khou1980New ContributorBut what if I don't have a private key only have company issued root certificate and client authentification certificate, how do I wrap thest two certificats to create keystore file?
Kevin - KumarpskNew ContributorHi
I have the same issue
Wed May 18 11:10:24 EDT 2011:ERROR:org.apache.commons.ssl.ProbablyBadPasswordException: Probably bad PKCS12 password: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
I tried to convert .pem files to .der format. cert file converted but not the key file. Key file after conversion it shows 0kb.
Can you please help if you already got the solution.
Kumar - Greetings Everyone,
I have posted a walkthough on this topic Hope this helps!
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