Forum Discussion
I had to tidy up your JSON for it to properly be parsed by SoapUI.
{ "id": "XYZ", "errordetails": null, "statuscode": 200, "message": null, "data": [ { "key1": 1294, "key2": [ { "sub-key1": 0, "sub-key2": 2360 }, { "sub-key3": 0, "sub-key4": 2820 } ], "key3": true, "key4": "3X2" }, { "Key1": 1294, "key2": [ { "sub-key1": 0, "sub-key2": 2360 }, { "sub-key3": 0, "sub-key4": 2820 } ], "key3": true, "key4": "3X2" } ] }
Here's my solution using a script assertion. It's probably a very round-about way of doing it. But it works.
def expected = [
def holder = new
def exists = { it -> holder["count(//*:data//*:${it.replace("/", "//*:")})"].toString().toInteger() > 0 }
expected.each {key -> assert exists(key) }
Hello team,
I was able to look at the sample code suggestion and i worked on my solution .
However i get the script popup window which gives all the keys but not assertion passed message. How do i work it out into
this current script
// Get API response
def Response = context.expand( '${Validate Testcasename#Response}' )
def slurp = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(Response)
//verify the slurper isn't empty
assert !(slurp.isEmpty())
//Capture expected keys to match API reponse keys
def expected =
def exists = { it -> slurp["count(//*:data//*:${it.replace("/", "//*:")})"].toString()}
expected.each {key -> assert exists(key) }
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