Forum Discussion

Prashanti's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

How to generate HTML report using SOAPUI free version?


Iam trying to generate HTML report for the tests run in my project.
I have several projects and each have many test suites.
From a batch file, I have given the following command.

for %%p in (E:\SOAPUI\ProjectsTest\*.xml) do "C:\Program Files\eviware\soapUI-4.0.0\bin\testrunner.bat" -r -I -j -
fE:\SOAPUI\Results %%p

This checks for all the project files in the folder and runs them.
I get the xml test report per test suite. But what I need is a HTML report per project or for all the projects together.
I see in one of the links here where in it is given that
"The Open Source version of soapUI only supports creation of the basic HTML reports when running from the Command Line."
So I was expecting some way to generate an HTML report. But I do not see anyway to do that.

Is it possible to generate HTML reports in the free version?
I would also like to know SOAP UI can email the report?

2 Replies

  • JimL's avatar

    I don't know the answer to your question, but I just ran across this on the Pro area:


    The thread has some command lines with "-FPDF", so maybe something like "-FHTML" would work for you?

    Pls post back!

  • JimL's avatar

    When you're in the Launch window, under the Reports tab, there's a checkbox for "Junit" style report. I think that this is equivalent to a "-j" on the command line. When you have that checked, it outputs an XML file report. I guess that you can do some XSLT to convert that to HTML?
